Survey says: Young Adult Fiction. Specifically, the first two books in Rachel Hawkins’ Hex Hall series. My left eye is currently an ugly bloodshot mess because I’ve devoured both books in a 24 hour span. And I have to tell you, I loved every second. I’ve been looking for an author who could make reading fun again, and Rachel Hawkins has more than come through for me. I was reminded of many happy hours spent with Madeleine L’Engle — although Hawkins is a heck of a lot snarkier and funnier.
If you have a teenage daughter, I’d definitely recommend these. If you have two X chromosomes, I can state with confidence that you’ll get a kick out of these regardless of age. The third in the series isn’t out until March, so you could buy them both now and have a reading binge (like me), then drum your fingertips for seven months. Or maybe you could pace yourself and read a couple of chapters a night — prolonging the suspense and putting you on target for the third installment, Spellbound.
Honestly, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt inspired to write, despite my near obsessive devotion to “how-to” books, and I have to give a big shout out to Rachel Hawkins for lighting that little fire inside once again.
It is SO much fun to find a new author, or a new series, and just bury yourself deep into their world, isn’t it??
I’m re-reading the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey (ah, teenaged dreams of dragons….) and also discovering the ideas of classic speculative fiction author Philip K. Dick in “The Drawing of the Dark” – classic mix of Arthurian legends, Arabian nights ifrits, East-West conflicts, Celts, Vikings, and a lot of beer. I’m a bit interested in steampunk at the moment (oh the costumes!!!!), so doing some exploring.