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I’d Like to Thank the Academy…

So as I sat finishing up a sleeve on a baby cardigan this morning, I let my mind wander where it would. Pretty soon I was composing my acceptance speech just in case I’m offered a surprise academy award (What? Luck favors the prepared, right?). It was all pretty vague beyond thanking God, my family, the Academy…and, of course, the makers of Royal Cup Coffee. Because let’s face it, without them I wouldn’t accomplish one @#$% thing.

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2 Responses

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  1. amy says

    I need steady levels of caffeine in my system. I learned that the last time my husband was away (you know, the time before THIS time, oh, two weeks ago). I skipped the after-dinner coffee because I was rushed, and the entire next day I was soooo cranky. Lesson learned!

  2. bells says

    And you achieve SO much!

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