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He’s Leaving Me!

You know, I never saw this coming in a million years. In fact, I’ve said many a time that it could NEVER happen to me. But sure enough, years have passed, we’ve both grown older, and it would appear there’s no getting around the fact that…Jack is going to Kindergarten.

Why? What did you think I was talking about, silly?

I’ve spent the last couple of days just watching him, as he eats, as he plays. I hugged him close last night, counted the freckles on his nose and marveled at the shocking blue of his beautiful eyes.  I also made him swear that he’d never get too big to sit in my lap. He promised most sincerely, but I’m still not sure I can count on it.

Honestly, I did NOT expect to be one of those mothers. The ones who hover and weep at each milestone. For the most part, I think I take each day in stride and accept that each new door we walk through just leads to more wonderful surprises. But I have to tell you, Jack at five years old is pretty incredible.

His enthusiasm for new things is boundless. He tells me he loves me a hundred times a day. He’s his brothers’ number one cheerleader and our resident “sayer of funny things.” In other words, he’s fantastic in every way.

So here I sit, wondering how he got so big so fast. And if it will slow down. And if his brothers are going to do the same thing.

I guess I’m not as tough as I thought…

…and I miss my baby already.


Jack and Popo back in the day

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  1. Bells says

    Sigh. It’s a bittersweet moment isn’t it? I went through it six months ago with my sister when my nephew, who I swear was just a baby yesterday, started kindie. I love that nearing the end of the school year, he’s still a little boy, just a little more grown up, not too much.

    Good luck Jack!

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