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  1. Odd Man Out August 31, 2009

    Posted in Kids, Uncategorized.

    rev="post-698" 3 comments
  2. Friday Funny August 28, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-686" 1 comment
  3. Overheard August 27, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-684" 5 comments
  4. Mental Health Report August 26, 2009

    Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids, Parenting.

    rev="post-696" 8 comments
  5. From Bubbles to BALLOONS! August 26, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-678" 9 comments
  6. Breakfast of Champions August 25, 2009

    Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids, Parenting, Uncategorized.

    rev="post-671" 4 comments
  7. Nanny Diaries August 24, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-689" 2 comments
  8. When Jason Goes to the Grocery Store… August 24, 2009

    Posted in Rants & Raves.

    rev="post-659" 3 comments
  9. Best Line in a Movie EVER!! August 21, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-654" 1 comment
  10. Fashion Designers Say… August 21, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-621" 4 comments
  11. Sweet Revenge August 21, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-650" No comments
  12. Cheap Wine Pick: Cruz de Piedra Garnacha 2006 August 20, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-566" 4 comments
  13. First Day of Pre-School! August 19, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-644" 8 comments
  14. On Running a Tight Ship August 18, 2009

    Posted in Kids.

    rev="post-634" 7 comments
  15. Cat Goes Gangster on Printer August 18, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-581" 2 comments
  16. Sam’s Lost Weekend August 17, 2009

    Posted in Kids.

    rev="post-622" 3 comments
  17. Friday Funny–Laptops August 14, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-617" No comments
  18. Top 5 Reasons My Kids Should Be Potty Trained August 14, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-564" 4 comments
  19. My Latest Lesson August 13, 2009

    Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids, Parenting, Uncategorized.

    rev="post-592" 2 comments
  20. Dear Posh: August 13, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-553" 3 comments
  21. Why I have the best friends ever… August 12, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-600" 5 comments
  22. Marital Bliss a la The Berenstain Bears August 12, 2009

    Posted in Family & Relationships, Kids, Parenting.

    rev="post-500" 18 comments
  23. So Not Right August 11, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-587" 3 comments
  24. Does This Kid Look Sorry to You? August 11, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-576" 6 comments
  25. Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Founder of Special Olympics, Dies at 88 August 11, 2009

    Posted in Uncategorized.

    rev="post-569" No comments